Fansite event part 2: Chinatown Wars hands-on

By Chris | 19th Feb 2009 at 20:45 GMT in Chinatown Wars | 9 Comments


Before all of our flights back from New York last Wednesday, we all had a few hours to kill. Because of this, Rockstar decided to allow us to come to their offices where they had a little treat in store for us all. As there were quite a few of us there, we went in two groups, the UK guys (me, Psy, Adam, Jevon) went first due to our earlier flights, while the Americans (illspirit, G-WizZ, Kodo, Zidane) went in after we'd finished.

Not only were we going to be shown Chinatown Wars, we'd also have a hands-on with the game! The last part of my fansite event diary/preview thing is now online for all to read. If you didn't see last week when I posted about The Lost and Damned part of it then you may want to start from there, if you did then simply skip ahead to the final page to read my hands-on preview of Chinatown Wars. If what you've seen hasn't impressed you so far, then be sure to read this as it may just change your mind.

Again, if you have any questions for me about the event or about what I saw of Chinatown Wars, then don't hesitate to ask in the comments, I'll do my best to answer any questions you have.

Link: My hands-on preview of Chinatown Wars

Connor's photo
Connor 19th February, 2009 @ 20:51 - Permalink

That looks so awesome.

I thought it would be something really boring with bad graphics, but I too would actually like to get a DS just for that now.

GTA Don's photo
GTA Don 19th February, 2009 @ 22:10 - Permalink

I am so glad my bro is getting this game. Chris, did they mention how many missions or hours of gameplay there would be? I'm guessing not a lot because of the DS low storage capacity.

Chris's photo
Chris 19th February, 2009 @ 22:28 - Permalink

No and I didn't think to ask :/

But it's probably going to be longer than you think, you could spend ages with all the minigames and side missions.

JustADummy's photo
JustADummy 19th February, 2009 @ 22:43 - Permalink

Darn I'm always jealous of you :P I want GTACW ASAP.

Also, Chris did you check the message I sent you on XBox Live?

MrLlamaLlama's photo
MrLlamaLlama 19th February, 2009 @ 23:15 - Permalink

Don't bother buying a DS.

The DSi is being released in a couple of months, so either wait till that comes out and get one, or wait till it comes out, buy a regular DS, and spend the money you save on booze and hookers.

Chris's photo
Chris 20th February, 2009 @ 01:38 - Permalink

Yes I am currently considering that, means I won't be able to play CW on release though, but I guess I'll be busy finishing up coursework for uni around that time anyway so may actually be for the better :P

The prices of normal DS's won't go down though will they? They'll just introduce the DSi's at a higher price to begin with I would think.

But yeah chances are I will wait for the DSi. Seems it would be worth the wait. Always the possibility they'll make a bundle that'll include CW.

Artur's photo
Artur 20th February, 2009 @ 02:31 - Permalink
Don't bother buying a DS.

The DSi is being released in a couple of months, so either wait till that comes out and get one, or wait till it comes out, buy a regular DS, and spend the money you save on booze and hookers.

Seems like a good idea. :whistle:

And what are the upgraded features of DSi? I'll probably read up now but I heard it won't have the old Gameboy games slot but a camera or something?

Edit: Oh and going to read up the article right now.

Chris's photo
Chris 20th February, 2009 @ 02:35 - Permalink

Don't want people to go off topic here so if you're wondering about the DSi then just read this:

"The DSi features two 0.3 megapixel cameras, larger screens, a new SD card slot and better speakers. It does not have a Game Boy Advance cartridge slot like the DS or DS Lite."

Keep this topic for Chinatown Wars or asking me questions ;)

Huckleberry Pie's photo
Huckleberry Pie 20th February, 2009 @ 04:47 - Permalink


GTA Chinatown beta test - IT IS AWESOM!!! :awesome:

Based on your hands-on experience with the beta, I guess the game is perfect for those of you who want a quick shot at carjacking while on the go, even better than that Gangstar thing Gameloft is into right now...

Now if only that I have a DS with me... :pissedred:

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